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(Personal Assistant & Companion of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse)


By: Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq (The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niass Al-Kawlakhy, [Pages 146-151])


Shaykh Muhammad al-Thanni ibn al-Awwal al-Kanawi (d. 1977), the defacto vicegerent of Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse in Nigeria was taken to Kawlakh for studies by his father in 1947. After spending ten years, he returned to Nigeria and settled in Lagos. He embarked upon spreading the Faydah to all nook and cranny of the world. He has a large following in Benin Republic, Togo, Ghana, Sierra-Leone, Abidjan and Cameroon.


The spread of Faydah al-Tijaniyyah in Ilorin and its environ in the early 1960s is owing largely to the influence and impact of disciples of Shaykh Sanni Awwal. These are; Al-hajj Ibrahim Akanbi of Okesuna area, Ilorin, followed by Shaykh Abdullah Baba Taofiq (d2005) who later became Khalifa of Shaykh Ibrahim Niass in Kwara State. He was appointed in Kawlakh in 1998, by the eldest son and the grand Khalifah of Shaykh Ibrahim Niass worldwide, in person of Khalifah ‘Abdullah ibn Ibrahim Niasse (d2001).

Shaykh Sanni Awwal and Shaykh Abdullah Baba Taofiq

Others are Sheikh AbdulQadir Wali, Shaykh Yusuf Adangba, Shaykh Yusuf Ayinla Ikokoro, whose house served as Tijaniyyah guest guest house for many roving and itinerant Tijaniyyah leaders from within and outside Nigeria in the early 1960s. And lastly, Shaykh Audu Konde of Ita-Ajia. It was said that Sayyid Ali Cisse was lodged in his (Konde) house at his (Cisse’s) first visit to Ilorin in 1967.


Shaykh Sanni Awwal's companions in Ibadan were Sheikh Qossim Awwalu, Sheikh AbdulSalam Adebolu, Sheikh Salawudeen Kk, Sheikh Bello Raji, Sheikh shittu Sanusi, Sheikh bn Ibrahim AbdulQodir (Queen cinema), Sheikh Owonbuwo, Sheikh Onisinniyan, Sheikh Umoru sabo, Mallam Likita Sabo, and others.


He (Shaykh Sanni Awwal) consolidated an organization in 1965 that proselytized Muslim communities to accept the norms of Faydah. This movement is called Zumratul Faydah al-Tijaniyyah which has its National Headquarters at Medina Elekuro, Ibadan.


Remarkably, Zumratul Faydah built a storey building on the two plots of land donated by Khalifa ‘Abdul-Salam Adebolu (d1979) for Shaykh Ibrahim Niass. The building was erected at Medina Elekuro, Ibadan. The house was officially declared open by Shaykh Ibrahim Niass in January 10th 1970. All the keys of the house were handed over to Shaykh Sanni Awwal and sequelly, the Shaykh said; “I accept this house with all pleasure and may Almighty Allah build such house for every one of you in paradise”. Shaykh Ibrahim Niass also quoted verse of the Qur’an which states that anybody who does good to someone, nothing is used to repay such (good gesture) back but good.


Sanni Awwal served as personal assistant to the Shaykh. He accompanied the Shaykh in most of the Shaykh’s international and domestic tours. He married Sayyida Aa‘isha, daughter of the Shaykh. He died in Benin Republic and was buried in Shaykh Ibrahim’s house in Medina Elekuro, Ibadan, according to his will.


Shaykh Ibrahim Niasse said about him in his deewaan (anthologies);

“Muhammad Thanni son of Awwal *** I place him at the highest place with me”

“Muhammad Thanni saleelu l Awwal *** Taraktuhu ‘indii bi-a‘alaa manzili” 


- “The Icon of Mystics: Shaykh Ibrahim Niass Al-Kawlakhy”, By Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq [Pages 146-151]

- Engr. Ibrahim Adigun (UCH, Ibadan)




Translated by: Muqadam Sulayman Odetayo

"Verily my Son, Companion, Soul-Mate and Servant, the Muqadam, a Gnostic of God, Alhaji Muhammad al-Thanni Awwal ibn Shaheed, the Beloved Waliy, a Righteous Master, Muhammad Al-Awwal, my Beloved And Truthful Student, the Sincere One and my Trustworthy Associate.


I am indeed pleased with his services, in the religion (of Islam) and Tareeqah (Tijani Path) and in the assistance of brothers.


Therefore, whosoever loves him, I will love him with passion. And whosoever hates him, with righteous angst/indignation, I will hate him.


I have given him Express Permission/Authority, and I guarantee him as a Guarantor in the execution of this trust to the best of his ability.


And I beseech him with reliance/acceptance in all he is, with Allah, with his constant awareness and remembrance in secret and in openness, and to magnify the importance of Allah in all matters, in all affairs, and good relations/companionship with all creations with his body and soul with Allah, the Most-High. With virtuous conduct and to mitigate/exterminate the calamity with patience and contentment and acceptance. And I ask Him, Most-High to grant him Success in it (All). With Peace!!!".



22nd, Safar, 1386

In Lagos.


فإن ولدي و صاحبي و صهري و خادمي المقدم العارف بالله الحاج محمد ثاني أول بن شهيد المحبة الولي الصالح السيد محمد الأول محبي و مريد صادق و مخلص وهو أميني.


و قد رضيت عن خدماته في الدين و الطريقة و في عنوان الإخوان.


فمن أحبه فحبي أحبه، و من أبغضه فغضبي ابغضه.


و أنا أطلقت له الإذن في كل ما أشتملت عليه الطريقة التجانية و أغثنته مغاثا في اداء تلك الأمانة قدر إستطاعته.


و أوصيه بالإقبال بكليته علي الله تعالي بدوام مراقبته و ذكره في السر و الجهر و يرفع همته عن أمور جملة و تجميلا مع مصاحبة الخلق بجسمه و قلبه مع الله تعالي بحسن الخلق مع كل مخلوق و إحتمال الأذي الصبر و الرضي و التسليم و أساله تعالي ان يجعل له فرجا فيه. و السلام!!!


~~~إبراهيم إنياس الكولخي

٢٢ صفر ١٣٨٦




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