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How Can We Not Love and Celebrate You Yah RasulaLlah!

 Have you ever been loved?

Have you ever been loved by a unique personality? 

Have you ever imagined being loved by someone so important that even his creator is proud about his uniqueness?

#Maulid1442 #MaulidNabi #Mawlid1442

Your Prophet Muhammad love you unconditionally, he wouldn’t want the slightest problem to happen to you. That love manifested in every creation on earth, he let it flow to human beings, all of them, animals, all of them, plants all of them, mountains all of them.

Rasool love his ummah so much that even in pain when he was on his sick bed, he asked Allah to increase the pain he feels so that it will be decreased for his ummah... nobody will do this for his loved ones nobody. 

He went to Ta’if the people there out of ignorance threw stones at him, but all he was asking was for Allah to create form among them someone that will be Muslim, maybe they will get Rahma of Allah.

Even the ibadah, he had to make sure Allah gave us the simplest act possible, whatever feels like a burden or seems to be little bit difficult for his ummah to get used to he will not ask them to do. 

When he was bringing the five daily prayers, he was given 50 originally but due to his mercy and rahama he begged Allah to reduce them to 5 prayers per day.  

Rasulallah mentioned numerous act of ibada that are very simple and easy. And he attached mountain size of reward to them. 

Some will be the reason you will get the benefit of this world and the hereafter... 

its normal for Allah to wipe away entire world population, he has proven to have done that a number of times, Rasulallah did not leave this world until his Lord promised him that he will never do such to his ummah. 

If chanced to meet the prophet, ask him to ask his Lord for forgiveness, past present and the future... sayyada aisha once begged for such. And she was granted... did you hear, he asked his Lord to erase all her sins... she is not the only one. he did the same to ahlu badar. To the extent they could do whatever they want Allah has forgiven them. 

Look did you know that he still reserved his best Dua for the worst of us? Its is not an excuse to lag in good deeds but he really will save even the worst of us. Ya Rasulallahi we love you. wallahi.

Rasualllah? What did you hear about him? You can only imagine that closeness he has with our core self, to the extent every deed of ours will be presented to him and he ask Allah for forgiveness for the bad ones and gets happy and thank Allah for the good ones.

One will not totally decipher the depth of this love until the day of resurrection, all humanity all creation will be at the mercy of one man. He is the only one that can do some help, and guess what? He would do it. Haven’t we disappointed him? Haven’t we done all that he asked us not to do? But look wallahi he would do it... without even considering that we lagged in following his footsteps 😭. He would just do it. 

RasulaLlah dont embezzle even water, he’d use as little as possible, he eats, as little, he ride his horse with compassion, he asked his sahaba to not course upon uhud, he told them the mountain is their lover, when he steps on some mountain the feel the weight and even shake “indeed there has already come to you a messenger from (among) yourselves. mighty (i.e., burdensome) to him is whatever distresses you. most eager is he for your (welfare), to the believers (he is) constantly compassionate, constantly merciful.”

may we all be among the Lovers 😭 

Discussion about him ﷺ is in volumes, Ya Rasulallah be in our matter. All that you asked us to do we did not do, we fall short of emulating you, we beg you by the secret you had with Allah during israa wal miiraj ... grant us the intercession in the day of judgement

Written by Sayyid Fuad Maqary 

Tweeter @maqary


  1. Masha Allah. May we keep soaring higher as we celebrate the birth of best along the Most noble on earth.

    1. SalaLlahu Aleyhi wasSalam. Thanks for your feedback sir


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