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Muhammad HabeebuLlah: Who Are We to Hate The One Our Creator Loves?

 All praise is due to Allah the uncreated creator, the originator of the heavens and earth. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the one whom Allah made loving him a prerequisite for the perfection of Iman; for he is the most beloved person to Allah. MUHAMMAD: HABIBULLAH صلى الله عليه وسلم 


The greatest Prophets of Allah SWT have nicknames. The nickname of Prophet Nuh AS is Najiyu Llah.

Khalilu Llah - Ibrahim

Kalimu Llah - Musa

Ruhu Llah - Isa

While that of our noble Prophet is Habibu Llah (the one loved by Allah). The love of Allah for his prophet can't be explained by any other than Allah Himself and the prophet SAW. This love is exemplified by Allah to His prophet through some special status He granted  his prophet/ummah that were not given to previous prophets/nations. However, it shoud be made clear  from onset that its a  matter of creed  for muslims to believe in all Prophets sent by Allah. Ibn Kathir mentions in his commentary of Q2:285: 'The believers believe in all Prophets and Messengers without distigushing between them'. This does not negate the fact that Allah has choosen some above others Q2:253

   Below are verifiable points from the Quran and authentic Sunnah to shed light on this: 1- ALLAH ADDRESSES HIM (SAW) WITH LOVE & AFFECTION 

In Arabic, anyone or anything that has a lot of names, is honoured and respected. There is an Arabic saying that 'كثرة الإسم يدل على شرف' which means that 'large number of the names indicated honor' Allah loves the Prophet SAW so much that not once did He call upon His Messanger by His direct name except that sometimes reference is made to His name to His name when giving information about Him SAW to others. Allah SWT calls His beloved SAW by different names such as:

O Prophet

O Messanger



Khatimin Nabiyyin

Ar-rahmatullil Aalamin

As-Siraajul Muneer

Khayr Ul-Bashar


Uswatun Hasanah..... and much much more These examples are not to downplay the greatness of other Prophets, but rather highlights the esteem of the final Prophet SAW 2- HE WILL BE GIVEN MAQAM MAHMUD AND OTHER SPECIAL HONORS ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT. 

Ibn Jarir in his commentary of Q17:79;

Most of the commentators said, "This is the position of which Muhammad SAW will be raised on the day of Resurrection to intercede for the people so that their Lord will relieve them of some of the hardships they're facing on that day"

Other honors are:

- He will be given the right of [major] intercession on the day of Resurrection 

- He will be the first to be resurrected

- He will be first to enter paradise.

- He will have a banner under which Adam and anyone else will gather.

Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet SAW said: "I will be the leader of the sons of Adam on the day of Resurrection and te first to whom the grave is opened and the first to intercede and the first whose intercession will be accepted" 

[Narrated by Muslim, Book of Al-Fadaa'il, No. 4223]


While describing the exalted station of the Prophet SAW, Allah reveals in Q3:164 that "Certainly, did Allah confer [great] favour upon the believers when He sent among them a Messanger from themselves We're the luckiest people on earth because Allah bestowed upon us His supreme favour that He sent His most beloved to distribute among us blessings of faith, peace, dignity & salvation.


In Suratul Nuh, Prophet Nuh AS had to ask Allah for intervention because of how stubborn his people were. But Muhammad SAW never had to ask Allah before whatever is granted to him. Allah would send Angels with different different options to Rasulullah SAW for him to choose from. Rasulullah SAW always had a choice, but no matter the situation, He chose mercy upon his people even though he could have easily requested that they be crushed by a mountain. صلى الله عليه وسلم. 


Every negativity that would be directed to Rasulullah SAW, be it in form of abuse, mockery or anything of that sort, Allah would respond on his behalf and reveal verses in the Qur'an, defending His Beloved SAW Look at the likes of Abu Lahad, the cursed. Also see Surah At-Tauba: 61, Al-Ahzab: 57. Surah Al-Kawthar was also revealed in response to people who said Rasulullah's SAW tail was cut off(didn't have an heir) because his sons were dying Allah said "Indeed, your enemy is the one cut off".

Allah does not only respond to disbelievers or people that obviously have no respect for him SAW. Once Abubakar and Umar bn Khattab raised their voices above that of the Prophet SAW in a conversation and Allah responded to them 'O you who have believed, do not raise your voices above the voice of Prophet or be loud to him in speech like the likeness of some of you to others, lest your deeds become worthless while you perceive not' Q49:2 Nobody disrespects someone so special to Allah; Muhammad SAW, HabibuLlah SAW and goes scot free. In this dunya or aakhira. They shall face the consequences of their actions, definitely! There are much more things I could say about Muhammad, HabibuLlah SAW,  from Him(SAW) being Praised By Allah Himself(Al-Ahzab: 45-47 &56); to being given the Book(Al-Qur'an) that is above all books; to how obeying him is same as obeying Allah (Q4:80) and so much more May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad Al-Mustapha SAW and May our love for Rasulullah SAW take over our hearts.

  ❤صلى الله عليه وسلم ❤

An article written by  Sayyada Khadija Omika

Twitter handle @_khayrunnisaa


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