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A Maulid Thread 

The title belongs to my honourable master, Sheikh Ali Juma'a, the former Grand Mufti of Egypt, in a paper he presented to us at Masjidur Rahmanir Rahim, Abbasiyya, Cairo, year 2010 after which he published it as a book named (حاكموا الحب). 

The people of our time were driven away from the spirit of Love, compassion and sympathy, and got overwhelmed by materialism, they no longer believe, let along, see the miracles of love that work in mysterious ways. 

Let us with this thread try to revive the spirit of Love within ourselves through recalling some of its prodigies exhibited by Humans, Animals, Objects and just every living in the universe and multiverse towards the heart of the mankind and the center of Allah's focus. 

Don't judge anybody or anything for their crazinness and irresponsible actions in the sanctity of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, Judge Love.. 
That's what drove the universe crazy back then, and everything appeared to have sixth sense that control the other five, people talked beyond logic, acted outside the law of physics, behaved in ways no philosopher could've ever imagined.. 
That's Love, whenever you enter its realm, nothing is ever the same again.. 

Hearts yearn to the beauty of our beloved Prophet (SAW), melt for the utter of His name, Hands shiver to write Him songs, Minds redirect only to His beautiful descriptions and noble virtues. 
A special tribute to the love of our lives, apple of our hearts and Master of the universe, Sayyiduna Muhammad, ibn Abdullah, ibn Hashim, al-Qurashy, al-Hashimy sallal Lahu alaiHi wasallam. 

Why not? When our Prophet (SAW) is a complex of perfection in every way, a treasure of goodness, possessed by compassion and obsessed with helping. 
A poet once said and I attribute it to Him sallal Lahu alaiHi wasallam, 

تراه إذا ما جئته متهللا
كأنك تعطيه الذي أنت سائله

ولو لم يكن في كفه غير روحه 
لجاد بها، فليتق الله سائل
"You see Him as you come excitedly smiling at you as if you are giving him what you come to ask Him. 
And if there were nothing in His palm but his soul, He would give it up, Oh begger fear God and know what and when to ask"

How on earth can a person control himself around this eye catching personality and unmatched virtues?! The universe trembled in His love, then why shouldn't I? 
Guys please stop blaming us and #JudgeLove if you can. 

He was the most handsome of all people, the cleanest of all, the friendliest of all, the kindest of all, the embodiment of Rahma, and the epitome of love and sympathy, the beacon of hope for those in dire need, He is just the archetype of Humanity at its peak, a treasure of goodness and kindness. 

He cared for human, animal, insects and the every creature, because He was sent as Mercy to all, and without further ado, we will see how He was loved by all of them and how they exhibited their affection towards Him. 

Yes, Animals loved Him back in response to the love and care He expressed towards them. 
Abdullahi Ibn Ja'afar RTA narrated that he witnessed when Sayyiduna RasululLahi sallal Lahu alaiHi wasallam went to ease Himself, where a camel saw Him and immediately got calmed and drew tears, the Prophet walked towards it and touched it softly, after which He asked, "Who owns this camel"? "Here I am", a young man from Medina responded quickly, the Prophet said to him "Wouldn't you fear Allah in this animal He entrusted you with? it complained to me that you keep it hungry and still force it to work". 
What?? Yes, that's what happened, and before you ask, The logic here is Love, and the science is unshakeable trust in the Prophet, so judge Love and leave us along with our beloved. 

Sayyida Aisha said that they used to have a very sturbon animal in His house, whenever the Prophet goes out, it barks and plays and disturbs everyone, but as soon as He (sallal Lahu alaiHi wasallam) comes back, it kept quiet as if it were no more, just not to disturb the Prophet. 
Look at this love and utmost respect from what we call animal. 
Do you still have questions for me? Please #JudgeLove

Plants also felt the love and expressed it in their possible ways, We all know the story of that stem that the Prophet used to sit on it to give summons, and one of the companions made Him a new wooden pulpit, as soon as He sat on the new pulpit, the poor stem screemed so loudly that everyone in the Mosque heard it, horribly saddened that the Prophet will no longer be sitting on it. 
And for the unmatched kindness of the Prophet, He paused the Khutba, got down and lulled the stem and promised it a meet up in paradise 😢

Are you supprized? Don't be, because the teachings of the Prophet gave a great deal of concern to plants and taught people how to treat them, amongst which He ruled it Haram for someone to cut a useful tree without a reason, even in the enemies' lands, as narrated
 "من قطع سدرةً صوب الله رأسه نارا". 

The examples are so many and the medium is not supportive in bringing a lengthy write up. 

The other objects are not left behind, they all heard the language of Love and responded to it, even though they do not hear sound. 

They do not sense, but yet felt this love, do not reason, but yet discover the beauty and values Allah had bestowed in this shrine.. 

Sayyiduna RasululLahi sallal Lahu alaiHi wasallam told His eminent companions "إني لأعرف حجرا بمكة كان يسلم عليّ قبل أن أبعث" Meaning "I know a mountain in Mecca that used to greet me long time before I was sent as Prophet". 

He was once walking on the mountain of Ubud along with Abubakr and Umar and Uthman, the mountain shook them up, the Prophet then held it and said, "Stand still, here is but a Prophet, Siddiq or two martyrs" while in another occasion the Prophet said "أُحُد جبلٌ يحبنا ونحبه" Meaning "Uhud is a mountain that loves us and we love him back". 

In the battle of Khandaq, when they ran out of food, Jabir slaughtered his small sheep and asked his wife to prepare it for the love of all (SAW) and then whispered to His ears to follow him and eat, the Prophet of Mercy shouted at all to come and take some food at Jabir's.. 
Jabir was so scared and embarrassed that he cannot serve these people, but the Prophet calmed him down and told to ask his wife not to take the pot down and He (SAW) will serve all, the food after tauching the blessed hands of RasululLahi sallal Lahu alaihi wasallam kept multiplying itself and people kept eating until everyone got served and satisfied, he then ate and fed the household.. 
This is just like how the water springs from His beloved fingers as assertion of love, admiration and obedience to the desire of its love sallal Lahu alaiHi wasallam.. 

Remember, the story of the Moon splitting into two, just to prove Him right? Or the story of those trees that pulled themselves from their roots and came to cover Him while He was easing Himself sallal Lahu alaiHi wasallam? What about those small gravels He threw those infidels with, who came to attack Him, and the gravel did their magic and went directly to cover their eyes, only for them to wake up after He is long gone, Sallal Lahu alaiHi wasallam? 
This is how Love works, so don't ask people why, when Love interfered, because no language can help articulate the situation, just #JudgeLove. 

This is supposed to be the first item, but knowing that humans are natured to sense and feel makes it normal for them to love and admire, and that makes it less important to talk about, however, because they have language and body expressions, talking about their affection and the ways they exhibited is easier. 

This love was not limited to his followers but the non believers too expressed their pure love and admiration towards Him. 

In His way to Medina for the cause of Hijra together with Abubakr and Abdullah ibn Uraiqit Addaily, He passed by a lady called Umm Ma'bad, they asked her of some food or milk, but she had none, He asked about the barren goat aside, she said, "Have at it", knowing that it does not and cannot give a milliliters of milk, He went and touched its breast and said "Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim" the milk immediately flowed like never before.. to cut it shut, they drank and left her with a lot of it, the area of focus is when her husband came back, she described the Prophet and His companions that stayed for just some minutes, and mentioned every detail of His descriptions, which later became the most comprehensive Hadith in His description. 
Why would she pay attention to every detail of His attributes? 
Why would she be so anxious to narrate all that to her husband? 

Sayyiduna RasululLahi sallal Lahu alaiHi wasallam once asked Zubair Ibn Awwam to go and bury His socked blood where nobody could find it, but ibn Abbas was madly in love 😍 and his sixth sense only heard "Drink it all, it's my blood, why not have my blood inside you"? 
So he adhered to that call of love and drank it all through. 

While Ummu Sulaim gathered His sweat and put it in a container, when He saw it once, He asked her "What is that"? She said it was your sweat, we put some of it in a perfume to make an unimaginable scent... 
Look at this please, in which language the Prophet would ever asked her to do such a thing? This is just a love-driven instinct that forced her hands into doing such action. 

The wonder of love goes on and on where a non Muslim bearded witness of the unscrached love His companions showed him more than anything he has ever seen before, despite his countless tours, Urwat Ibn Mas'ud said said after he went back to his people

"ما رأيت أحداً يحب أحداً كحب أصحاب محمد محمداً" 
"I've never someone loves another the level these companions love the Prophet Muhammad sallal Lahu alaiHi wasallam". 

I will like to conclude this topic with the acrobatic love and sacrifice that Khubaib ibn Adiy exhibited in a drammatic way, "He was taken captive and escorted in a procession of thousands which was led by men like Abu Sufyan ibn Harb, and Safwan ibn Umayah, and which included Said ibn Amir.

The women and children pushed him to the place set for his death. Khubaib's death was to be in revenge for Quraysh losses in the battle of Badr. When the assembled throng arrived at the appointed place with him, the prisoner, Khubaib said in a firm but quiet voice amid the shouting of women and children:

"If you would, leave me to pray two rakaats before my death". 
This the Quraysh allowed. Khubaib faced the Ka'bah and prayed two rakaats. Then Khubaib faced the Quraysh leaders.

"By God, if you thought that I asked to pray out of fear of death, I would think the prayer not worth the trouble," he said.
Then the Meccans set about dismembering Khubayb's body while he was yet alive and taunting him in the process.

"Would you like Muhammad to be in your place while you go free?"
With his blood flowing, he replied, "By God, I would not want to be safe and secure among my family while even a thorn hurts Muhammad." People shook their fists in the air and the shouting increased.

"Kill him. Kill him!"
Khubaib lifted his eyes to the heavens above the wooden cross.

"O Allah, send my salam to my prophet Muhammad"
Thereafter it could not be counted the number of swords and spears which cut through Khubaib's body".

It is observed that the thread preferred life examples of the claim than the sayings, because "Actions speak louder than voice" as the saying goes. 

However, some minds nowadays are totally overwhelmed by materialism and submissive only to the law of physics thus, they can't comprehend these examples, but guess what?
#Judge Love, and the leave us alone with the Prophet sallal Lahu alaihi wasallam..

May Allah make our greatest share in Islam be the love of the Prophet Muhammad sallal Lahu alaihi wasallam, and give us the ability to serve Him and His Ummah well, Ameen..
Written by Mujtaba Muhammad Sani to commemorate  1442 maolud Nabbiy
AlMujtabah can be reached via:
(Tweeter handle- @almujtaba70


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