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Source: Majmū’at ad-Dawāwīn (Collection of Eulogy Works) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse (pgs 216-218)
Translated by: Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq

Source: Majmū’at ad-Dawāwīn (Collection of Eulogy Works) of Shaikh Ibrahim Niasse’
Translated by: Dr. Awwal Baba Taofiq

وصول جميع الماسكين بحبليا # تحققه من لم يكذب بربيا
83. Wuṣūlu jamī’i-l māsikīna bi-ḥabliyā # taḥaqqaqahu man lam yukadh-dhib bi-rabbiyā
83. Spiritual contact of all mystics could only be achieved through my channel. Whoever has faith in Allah shall espouse this creed.

وجوبي فياف في المعارف لم ترم # فقد قصر الأقطاب عن درك شأويا
84. Wa jaubī fayāfi fī-l ma’ārifi lam turam # faqad qaṣura-l aqṭābu ‘an darki sha’wiyā
84. My spiritual bag was full of gnosis. Indeed, the pivot leaders (aqṭāb) are incapable of reaching/attaining my spiritual height.

بفضل إله الناس جل جلاله # وحب رسول الله طه نبيئيا
85. Bi-faḍli Ilāhi-n nāsi Jalla Jalāluhu # wa hubbi Rasūli-llahi Tāha Nabī-iyā
85. I achieved this by the goodwill of God of men, the Majesty. And by the love I have for messenger of Allah Taha, our Apostle.

حلفت يميناً إنني لا يحبني # سوى أسعد والعكس في حال بغضيا
86. Ḥalaftu yamīnān innanī lā yuḥibbunī # siwā as’adin wa-l ‘aksu fī hāli bugḍiyā
86. I swear (by Allah) that no one would love me save the most fortunate ones and the opposite of such will dislike me.

وقد علم الأقوام أني خديمه # فوصل حبيب الله يلفى بوصليا
87. Wa qad ‘alima-l aqwāmu annī khadīmuhu # fa-waṣlu Habībi-llahi yulfā bi-waṣliyā
87. Indeed, several people know that I am his servant. And (spiritual) contact with Allah’s beloved could only be achieved through my channel.

وما قلت قولي شاطحا متبجحا # وما مسني سكر يغيب عقليا
88. Wa mā  qultu qawlī shāṭiḥān mutabajjiḥān # wa mā massanī sukrun yugayyibu ‘aqliyā
88. I did not say this to arrogate myself. And i am not intoxicated, but I am conscious of my words.

وإن خطوطي للأنام سعادة # فلم يشق يوما من رآني وخطيا
89. Wa inna khutūtī lil-anāmi sa’ādatun # fa-lam yashqa yawmān man ra-ānī wa khaṭiyā
89. Verily, my handwritings are great fortunes to the creation. He shall never be hapless in a day whoever sees me and my handwriting.

وما قلت هذا دون إذن وإنَّني # لأكتم سرًّا لا يباح لغيريا
90. Wa mā qultu hādhā dūna idhnin wa innanī # la-aktum sirrān lā yubāhu li-ghayriyā
90. I did not utter this without taking permission (from the divine platform). I do conceal mystery which is illicit to others.

وذا كلّه من حب سيد مرسل # عليه صلاة الله ولتعل شأنيا
91. Wa dhā kulluhu min ḥubi kuluhi min sayyidi mursalin # ‘alayhi ṣalātu-llahi wal-tu'uli shāniyā
91. I achieved all these favours because of my love for the Leader of Apostles. May blessing of Allah be upon him, and may my affairs be elevated by the effect of that blessing.

تنورته حتى تحيرت أنما # جلال رسول الله حير فكريا
92. Tanawartuhu ḥatā tahayyartu innamā # Jalālu Rasūli-llahi ḥayyara fikriyā
92. I love him until i was overwhelmed by his love. Verily, greatness of messenger of Allah bewildered my reasoning.

إفاضته منه إليه محبة # وسبحان رب دك روحي تجليا
93. Ifādatuhu min’hu ilayhi mahabbatan # wa sub’ḥāna Rabbi dakka rūhī tajalliyā
93. His spiritual flood is from Him to him (via His) love. Glory be to the Lord who manifested on my soul in high esteem.

ومن سر هذا مت شوقا ومغرما # أزيد اشتياقاً حين زدت تدليا
94. Wa min sirri hādhā mittu shauqān wa magramān # azīdu-shtiyāqān ḥīna zidtu tadalliyā
94. By virtue of this mystery, I annihilated in his love and eulogy. I do increase my longing whenever my love increases.

فمن لي بوصل للحبيب وليتني # أجاوره في حالتيه تمنيا
95. Fa-man lī bi-waṣli lil-ḥabībi wa-laytanī # ujāwiruhu fī hālatayhi tamanniyā
95. Who will facilitate my (spiritual) contact with the beloved? It is unfortunate that I did not accompany him on his trip [from Makkah to Madinah].

عليه صلاة الله ثم سلامه # تساوي صلاة الذاكرين قبيليا
96. ‘Alayhi  ṣalātu-llahi thumma salamuhu # tusāwī ṣalāta-z zākirīna qubayliyā
96. May blessing and peace of Allah be upon him. Blessing that will be equivalent to the blessings the commentators before me sought for him.

عليه مع الآل الكرام وصحبه # ومن سلكوا نهج المحبة قبليا
97. ‘Alayhi ma’a-l āli-l kirām wa ṣahbihi # wa man salakū nahja-l maḥabbati qabliyā
97. May blessing and peace of Allah be upon him, his venerable household, his companions and those who embarked on the path of love before me.


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