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                             LETTER NUMBER 1

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful All thanks and praise belongs to Allah, Who said in His Wise Book “O you who believe! If you help Allah,
He will help you and make your foothold firm.” (47:7). May the peace and blessings of Allah be
upon the one who was addressed with: “And verily, you (Muhammad) are on an exalted character.”(68:4) and also with: “So stand firm and
upright as you are commanded.”(11:112). He is
indeed the guide to the straight path.

May Allah be pleased with the Seal (of the Saints) al-Khatm Ahmad
al-Tijani(RA), the one who advised the Muqaddams with more than he advised the Murids!

After this: I am very pleased with the senior Muqaddams who are affiliated with us, and I am asking that Allah, Glorious and Exalted is He, take care of us and reward you all from His Bounty in both this life and in the Hereafter. I am advising all of you (in the spirit of) love and compassionate mercy--and only for the sake of Allah--that you diligently work hard to convey right guidance to the brethren and to always
advise each other in the Deen and in the Tariqa.

This advice should be given after you have begun with
yourself! In other words, do not order someone to do something until after you have already done it yourself! Also, do not prevent or check someone until after you have already restrained and checked
yourself! Do not be lazy or slack in this as you will lead many people astray, because nothing is more
harmful to the common folk than the blunder or mistake of the superior or high-ranking person!
May Allah pardon all of us!

Do not cut off the link between the Murids and their exemplar (Shaykh Tijani), for to do so will severe the
connection of spiritual support (Madad) from them! I am advising the senior Muqaddams to have regular attendance in the Zawiya for the five (5) daily Salat
and the evening Wazifa, even if you happen to be the only one! If you act in accordance with this, perhaps Allah will decree that others will join you (in the
Zawiya) by His Might and Power!

I am also advising you to keep the secrets, even those related to the
Dunya, for whosever conceals his secret will become the master of his affair. Persist in having patience and contentment with the Divine Decree. I am advising you to guide each other, love one another, and visit each other for the sake of Allah.

Sacrifice for one another, and continue to make service to the Shaykhs (Khidma) and to have love for them, for they have said:

“Whosoever serves us, we
grant him ascendancy.” Do not hate one another, do not be jealous of one another, do not desert or
boycott one another, and be servants of Allah as brethren to one another!

Every senior Muqaddam should strive to build or establish a Zawiya in a city with a lot of Tijani brothers--in accordance with his
ability and the situation--to establish the five (5) daily Salat and when it is easy they should congregate with the beloved (Al-Ahbab) companions after every
Dhikr Yaum al-Jumua’a or whenever people have the ability to do so, to help and assist one another in the
proper upkeep of the Zawiya, such as its furnishing, etc. I am giving you all the command and permission (Idhn) for that.

I am advising you all to be on guard against having a bad opinion of Allah and His servants or with the
vicissitudes of time, for He is Time! There is no difference between the past and the future (with
Him). I advise each of you to increase your standing at the door of Allah with supplication for yourselves and for your loved ones, and especially for the common worshippers (al-‘Ibad wa ‘Amatuhum).

I advise you all to offer plenty Salat al-Fatihi and the
least amount which a senior Muqaddam should make
is six thousand (6000) in the morning and another
six thousand (6000) in the evening.

The minimum amount of your Nafila Salat should be fifty (50) Raka’t between the morning and evening. I advise you all to offer one hundred (100) Salat al-Fatihi as a gift (Hadiya) to our master Rasulullah (SAWS), and one
thousand (1000) “Ya Latif” morning and evening. I advise you to offer two hundred (200) Salat al-Fatihi
on every Friday night.

I recommend you to give away
some Sadaqa everyday, even if its only a piece of bread!

I am advising you all to honor the Shurafa’, the People of Allah, the Saints, the Shaykhs, the
’Ulama and the students of knowledge!

I advise you all to honor the Muqaddams of your
Shaykh (Ahmad al-Tijani), because that is a part of honoring him! Honoring the Shaykhs is a part of
honoring Allah, and is a cause for your success in this life and in the Hereafter.

Be a good cheer, for Allah
says: “And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and
fruits, but give glad tidings to the patient ones; those who when afflicted with calamity, say: ‘Truly, to Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return. They are those on whom are the Salawat from their Lord, and (they are those who) receive His Mercy, and it is they who are the rightly-guided ones.”(2:155-157).

So, perhaps the loss of fruits will be the last of the tests (from Allah), which we have been witnessing in the last two years. All thanks and praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!

Be of assistance to one another in achieving your goals, for the Jama’at is a mercy and dissent and discord is a punishment!

I am asking Allah to look after us all, for He is guardian of the righteous.

Salaam. This has been written by your loving advisor Ibrahim
ibn Al-Hajj Abdullahi al-Tijani in Kossi, Senegal.


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