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The unique sapphire in the Tijaniya method: Sheikh Abdul Wahid AnNazzufiy

 تأليف للعالم العلامة سيدي مَحمد بن سيدي عبد الواحد النظيفي قدوة الطريقة التجانية ولسان معارفها

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بَدَأْتُ بِبِــــسْمِ اللهِ وَالحَـمْدِ إذْ هَـــــدَى

بِمَحْضِ الرِّضَى وَالفَضْلِ لِلأَحْمَدِيَّةِ

أُصَلِّي عَلَى النَّبِي وَأُسْمِي قَصِيــــدَتِي

بِيَاقُـوتَةٍ فَـــرِيدَةٍ فِـــــــي طَرِيقَـــــةِ

تِجَانِيَّةٍ لِلْـخَتْمِ وَالقُطْـــبِ أَحْمَــــــدَ الـ

ـتِّجَانِي المَضَــــاوِيِّ وَفَاسِـــيِّ تُرْبَةِ

فَصْلٌ فِي بَعْضِ مَنَاقِبِهِ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ وَعَنَّا بِهِ آمِينْ

هُوَ البَرْزَخُ الأَعْـــلَى وَأُسُّ الوَسَـــائِلِ

وَيَنْـــبُوعُ رَحْــمَةٍ وَبَـــحْرُ الحَقِيـقَةِ

فَبِالخَتْمِ وَالمَكْــــتُومِ سُـــمِّيَ عِنْــــدَهُمْ

لِخَتْـــــمِ وِلاَيَـــةٍ وَكِتْـــمَانِ رُتْــــبَةِ

بِهِ خَتَـــمَ المَوْلَـــــى كَمَالَ الـــــوِلاَيَةِ

كَمَا خُتِمَتْ رَأْســاً بِـــرُوحٍ وَكِلْـــمَةِ

سَيَـــنْزِلُ خَاتِـــــــــماً ظُـــهُورَ وِلاَيَةٍ

فَلَـــيْسَ وَلِــــيٌّ بَعْـــدَهُ بِالمَشِيـــــئَةِ

وَإِنِّـــي كَنَّيْـــتُهُ أَبَـــا الفَيْــــضِ إِنَّـــهُ

يُمِـــدُّ جَمِـــيعَ العَالَمِـــينَ بِفَيْــــضَةِ

فَكُـــلُّ وَلِـــيٍّ كَيْـــفَ كَـــانَ بِبَحْـــرِهِ

أُمِـــدَّ بِقَـــدْرِ مَـــالَهُ مِـــنْ فَضِيـــلَةِ

مِـــنْ أَوَّلِ نَـــشْأَةِ العَوَالِـــمِ كُلِّـــــــهَا

إلَى النَّفْخِ يَسْــقِي كُـــلَّ فَـــرْدٍ وَذَرَّةِ

فَمَا فَـــاضَ مِنْ ذَاتِ النِّبِـــيِّ مُحَـــمَّدٍ

تَلَقَّـــتْهُ ذَاتُ الخَـــتْمِ دُونَ وَسِيـــطَةِ

كَمَا تَتَلَـــقَّى كُـــلَّ فَيْـــضٍ مِنَ انْبِـــيَا

وَرُسْلٍ عَلَيْـــهِمُ جَمِيـــعاً تَحِيَّــــــتِي

فَمِنْـــهَا تَفَـــرَّقَتْ فُـــيُوضُ الخَلِيـــقَةِ

فَـــــمَا ذَرَّةٌ إِلاَّ وَفَـــازَتْ بِقِسْــــــمَةِ

بِوَاسِـــطَةِ المَكْتُـومِ وَالخَـــتْمِ أَحْمَـــدَا

أَبِي الفَيْضِ قُــلْ هَذَا بِسِرٍّ وَجَـــهْرَةِ

وَلاَ تَخْشَ مَنْ يَـــرُدُّ عَـــنْكَ مَقَالَـــتِي

سِوَى جَاهِلٍ أَوْ مُنْكِرِ شَمْسِ ضَحْوَةِ

عَدَى الأَنْبِـــيَا وَالرُّسْــلِ كُـلٌّ يُـــبَاشِرُ

فُيُوضَهُ مِنْ خِتَـــامِ أَهْـــلِ النُّبُـــوءَةِ

فَمَا نَشَـــقَ المَكْتُومُ مُـــدْرَكَ أَنْــــــبِيَا

فَلَـــوْ ذَرَّةٌ مِنْـــهَا لَــــــذَابَ تَبَــــدَّتِ

وَمَا شَمَّ أَقْطَابٌ وَفَــــــرْدٌ وَمِفْــــــتَحٌ

وَكُلُّ وَلِيٍّ مُـــدْرَكَ الخَـــتْمِ قُدْوَتِـــي

فَنِسْبَـــتُهُ لِلْعَارِفِــــــينَ كَنِسْــــــبَةِ الْـ

ـخَـــوَاصِّ لِعَامَّـــةٍ لِرُتْـــبَةِ خَتْـــمَةِ

مَقَامُــــــهُ لاَ يَدْرِيــــــهِ إِلاَّ مُحَــــــمَّدٌ

لَـــهُ فِـــي مُحَمَّدِيَّـــةٍ خَـــيْرُ وَقْـــفَةِ

وَلَيْسَــــــتْ لأَقْطَـــــابٍ وَلاَ لِمَـــفَاتِحٍ

بِـــهَا اللهُ خَصَّـــهُ بِفَضْــــلٍ وَمِـــنَّةِ

وَلَيْـسَ لِعَـــارِفٍ وُصُـــولُ مَقَــــــامِهِ

وَقَدْ صَـــرَّحَ النَّبِي بِـــذَا لِوَسِيلَـــتِي

سِوَى الصَّحْبِ فَازُوا بِالمُنَى وَالسَّعَادَةِ

بِنَظْرَةِ وَجْهِ المُصْـطَفَى وَبِصُـــحْبَةِ

فَلاَ مَطْمَعٌ فِي نَيْلِ فَضْــلِ الصَّحَـــابَةِ

وَدَرْكِ مَقَامِـــــهِمْ لِكُـــلِّ الخَلِيــــــقَةِ

فَأَعْمَالُنَا مَعْـــهُمْ كَـــمَا قَـــالَ شَيْخُـــنَا

كَطَيْرِ القَطَـــاةِ مَــعْ دَبِيـــبِ نُمَـــيْلَةِ

فَكَـــمْ مِـــنْ مَزِيَّـــةٍ لَـــهُ وَكَــــــرَامَةٍ

Written by our Scholar Sidi Muhammad bin Sidi Abd al-Wahed al-Nazifi, an example of the Tijani way and the tongue of its knowledge

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

I started with the name of God and praise when He guided

By the grace and grace of the Ahmadiyya,

I pray the Prophet and name my poem.

A unique sapphire in a

tajania method for sealing and pole Ahmed Al

tijani madawi and fassi turbah

A chapter on some of its virtues, may God be pleased with him and on our behalf, Amen.

It is the upper isthmus and the main means

And the fountain of mercy and the sea of ​​truth, so by the seal and the

maktoum it was named after them.

to seal a state and conceal a rank

with it, the seal of the Lord is the perfection of the state

As you have sealed the head with the Spirit and the word, He will come down as a seal

, the appearance of a mandate

He is not a wali after him by will,

and my nickname is Abu al-Fayd.

He provides all the worlds with a flood

for every guardian, how he was in his sea

He was given a bounty of virtue

from the very beginning of all worlds.

To the blowing, everyone irrigates an atom, and

what overflowed from the same Prophet Muhammad

She received the same seal without an intermediary

as she receives every stream from a prophet

And messengers to all of them my greetings,

from which the creation was dispersed

So, no atom did not win a division

by al-Maktoum and al-Khatim Ahmad .

Abu al-Fayd, say this secretly and openly

, and do not be afraid of those who will return my article article to you.

Except for the ignorant or the denying the sun's sacrifice

except for the prophets and the messengers, everyone preaches

He will be filled with the conclusion of the people of the prophecy

, so what slashed al-Maktoum overcoming a prophet

If an atom of it would melt, it would be scattered,

and no poles, individual, and fath could be smelled.

And every guardian who understands the seal is

my example, so I attribute it to those who know it as the percentage of

General characteristics of the rank of the seal of

his station only Muhammad knows

He has a good standing in Muhammadiyah, and it

is not for poles or keys.

With it, God has singled him out with grace and grace, and

no one who knows will reach his place.

And the Prophet stated that by means of my means

other than companionship, they will be blessed with peace and happiness.

With the view of the Mustafa’s face and his company , there is

no covetousness in attaining the merit of the Companions

And He realized their place for all of creation

, so we did our deeds with them, as our Sheikh said.

Like a bird of cats with adorable teddy bears

, how many advantages and dignity does it have ?

Cease preference, as

it does not imply superior advantage .

There is a good advantage in the preferred

تَوَقَّـــفْ تَـــوَرُّعاً عَـــنِ الأَفْضَلِـــيَّةِ

فَلاَ تَقْتَضِــــــي مَـــــزِيَّةٌ أَفْضَــــــلِيَّةً

وَيُوجَدُ فِي المَفْضُولِ خَـــيْرُ مَـــزِيَّةِ


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