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                              LETTER NUMBER 1 5  FROM THE DISCOURSES OF SHAYKH AL-ISLAM IBRAHIM NIASSE (ra): “URGING THE MUQADDAMS TO GUIDE AND LEAD THE BRETHREN... In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful All thanks and praise belongs to Allah, Who said in His Wise Book “O you who believe! If you help Allah, He will help you and make your foothold firm.” (47:7). May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon the one who was addressed with: “And verily, you (Muhammad) are on an exalted character.”(68:4) and also with: “So stand firm and upright as you are commanded.”(11:112). He is indeed the guide to the straight path. May Allah be pleased with the Seal (of the Saints) al-Khatm Ahmad al-Tijani(RA), the one who advised the Muqaddams with more than he advised the Murids! After this: I am very pleased with the senior Muqaddams who are affiliated with us, and I am asking that Allah, Glorious and Exalted is He, take care of us and reward you all from His Bount
A'RIFAH, TARBIYAH AND THE TIJANI FAYDAH??? WHAT IS MA'RIFAH AND DID IT EXIST BEFORE THE FAYDAH TIJANIYYAH? QUESTIONS: Asaalam Alaykum Sidi, What is Ma'rifah and did it exist before the Faydah Tijaniyyah? Why did the Faydah appear in this age at the hands of Shaykh Ibahim Niasse (RA) and not before? Did Tarbiyah exist before Shaykh Ibrahim (RA)? I took Tariqah from a follower of Shaykh Ibrahim (RA) but am now being confused about these issues. Please elaborate. ANSWERS: Wa Alaykum As-Salam dear brother, The term “Ma’rifah” has many meanings and levels. For the most part in the history of Sufism, this has referred to the Direct Experiential Knowledge of Allah. This Ma’rifah of Allah existed among most of the great Awliya of this Ummah, though not all (as some were Awliya but not Arifin, and this is possible as indicated by Shaykh Ibrahim in the Jawahir). Thereafter is the Ma’rifah of the Reality of the Prophet (SA
WHO IS OUR SHAYKH IN THE TIJANI TARIQAH?  By: Imam  Fakhruddin Owaisi al-Madani al-Tijani As-Salam Alaykum, I am often asked WHO exactly is our Shaykh in the Tijani Tariqah? The answer to this is: Our Shaykh in this Tariqah is Sayyidna Rasul-Allah (SAW). And his deputy in spiritually training us is Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA). Every Tijani must know this and be assured of this 100% or he is not a Tijani. That is why we do not turn to anyone for spiritual assistance but the two of them: the Seal of the Prophets (SAW) and the Seal of the Saints (RA). However this is all in the Unseen (B ā tin) world, which is absolutely real. In the Seen (Z ā hir) world however, we usually have two leaders as well: Firstly, the muqaddam who gave us the Wird. And secondly, his living Shaykh, who is a complete Khalifah of Shaykh Ahmad Tijani (RA). The muqaddam is only an initiator, and different muqaddams hold different spiritual levels. But his living Shaykh is