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Showing posts from October, 2020

Brief History of Sheikh Ahmad Tijani Niasse

SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF SHAYKH AHMAD TIJĀNĪ IBRĀHĪM NIASS  SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF SHAYKH AHMAD TIJĀNĪ IBRĀHĪM NIASS  By: Sayyidah Balqīs Grillo at-Tijānī For anyone coming across Khalifa Shaykh Tijani for the first time, if he asks for the description of Shaykh Tijani, the right answer is to say that he is Sirr Barham Niass. Why is this so? It was Shaykh Ibrahim himself who said in one of his many statements when referring to the maqāmāts of three of his sons as follows:  “Abdullah ilmī, Nazīr Sūratī wa Shaykh Ahmad Tijānī Sirrī” Meaning: “Abdullah is my knowledge, Nazir is my picture and Shaykh Ahmad Tijānī is my secret — my hiddenness.” Shaykh Ahmad Tijānī was born into a home of knowledge, sainthood and piety in December, 1932 some 88 years ago. His mother was a simple-natured, honourable woman of substance and piety in the person of Sayyidah Maryam Muhammad Niyam, a woman that was righteous to her husband and who produced for him good fruits by way of noble children. “A pure land sprouts a


 The The Students of SHEIKH AHMAD TIJJANI R.A. If you want to know how Great a personality is, look at the people that personality produces, we have known great people only by the greatness of their followers,  Sheikh Tijjani is a example of such. he has been a source that produced: *Africas biggest islamic movement,  *Africas widest islamic jihad *African highest number of scholars, *Africas Highest number of Sufi followers- about 100 million and  *From Him rose the Africas most peaceful set of human. drawing people closer to Allah has been his greatest achievement, his only motive with the creation of Allah is how to move them closer to their creator, make them contemplate Allahs greatness in every moment, Some of the men from  SIDI AHMAD ATTIJJANI are: 1- Sidi aliyu Harazimi Baradah:- He is usually called al’arif, for he was indeed well knowledgable of God, Sheikh Tijjani was on his spiritual journey when he arrived in a city called wajdah in a market where he first met Sheikh aliyu